The Dish Diary is our place to post favorite recipes, share thoughts about restaurants, and chat on foodstuffs. Trying to hit up highly reviewed spots while on vacation, finding the best burger in our area, or testing out a new recipe is our brand of a good time. We’re so glad you stopped by! We hope you follow along with us on our culinary adventures and continue to come back and hang out.

Hello, everyone! I’m Ume, a self-taught baker, home cook, and food enthusiast.
I’ve been interested in cooking ever since I was a young girl growing up in Hawaii. I would watch my grandparents cook everything from local dishes to Japanese comfort food. About 15 years ago I got into baking as a hobby and I loved creating delicious, well presented treats and altering recipes until they hit just right. It really appealed to what I’m all about.
I enjoy sampling snacks from different countries, trying coffee roasters, and sharing my food with friends and family. I’ve always said that I show affection through my cooking.
Type of food I cook the most: Japanese, Asian, all the desserts, and anything new
If I could eat only one dessert it would be: Fresh Asian fruit cake
Favorite cooking show: The Great British Bake Off
My fictional hero: Mary Poppins because she’s practically perfect in every way.

Hi all; I’m Mysa! When I’m not fully focused on my career, I find joy and relaxation in the simple acts of preparing food.
Growing up with a family of hunters and gardeners, I was surrounded by fresh foods and garnered respect for them in their most basic form. I have fond memories of walking through my Grandfather’s towering raspberry bushes and tomato plants as a child, plucking sweet snacks with blissful textures.
But let’s not forget life is about balance.
I can often be found making a meal with something like a hot dog as the main ingredient or eating fast food. I absolutely love trying seasonal or special varieties of soda, candy, and salty snacks. Sharing these experiences with friends makes them all the more fun!
Type of food I cook the most: Low effort, Simple, Commonly found ingredients
If I could eat at only one fast food restaurant it would be: McDonald’s – Consistent, everywhere, and give me that salt.
Favorite cooking show: The Great British Baking Show
My favorite video game: Pikmin

Hi everyone! My name is Kiwi.
Growing up, I lived in a snack home- meaning we normally had pre-made or quick and easy meals…and lots of snacks. My siblings and I were super active, playing a new sport every season and running around the neighborhood with friends. While this eating lifestyle was perfect as a child who was on the go, I wanted to develop my palate more as an adult.
Over the last few years, I’ve found myself building an “ingredient” home. Learning to use the food I have in the fridge, freezer, and pantry in simple but unique ways is a current passion. I hope to continue exploring and sharing my new creations with family, friends, and you all!
Type of food I cook the most: Quick and easy meals, Frozen + Fresh, Fusion
If I had to eat the same thing every lunch: Mac and Cheese with Pulled Pork and a side of Coleslaw.
Favorite cooking show: Chopped (even though I get stressed out!)
What is your favorite hobby: Going for walks and (very amateur) bird-watching.

Hello!! Nice to see you here! I’m Momo – not much of a chef, but a big eater. I’ll try anything and probably love it.
I grew up eating home-cooked Chinese, Taiwanese and Japanese meals and a good variety of frozen foods. My favorite meals growing up were Taiwanese cold noodles (sesame, peanut butter goodness), Japanese curry (leftovers for days), and good old Michael Angelo’s chicken alfredo (for a lazy night in).
Now in my own home I am the best sous chef to my partner who loves to cook Korean food and try new recipes! I love all the deep flavors soybean paste and chili paste can bring to food and am especially partial to doenjang-jjigae served with fresh kimchi. I’m excited about sharing these recipes with you all, while getting to broaden my cooking/baking horizon with my lovely friends!